Rabu, 25 September 2013

Bakuso Kyodai Lets and Go Ep 1-10

Bakuso Kyodai Let's & Go, The Racing Brothers
Japanese: 爆走兄弟レッツ&ゴー!!


Type: TV
Episodes: 51
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jan 8, 1996 to Dec 23, 1996
Producers: Production I.GXebec
Genres: AdventureCarsShounenSports
Duration: 25 min. per episode
Rating: G - All Ages


Based on the manga by Tetsuhiro Koshita, Bakusou Kyoudai Let's & Go!! has 2 main seasons evolving around the Go brothers and the TRF Victorys. The 3rd season, Bakusou Kyoudai Let's & Go!! MAX evolves more around 2 new main characters, but the primary idea is the same...Racing!

Let's & Go!! focused on Retsu and Go Seiba, two young brothers who recieve racing cars called "Mini 4WD" by Dr. Tsuchia. From there on, the series portraits those two boys, training and costumizing parts to later on participate on Japans Cup, where all of Japans racers enter to be the best of the best!

Read more at http://myanimelist.net

yang mau download silahkan, saya orangnya baik kok hahaha
tapi maaf ya kualitas videonya jelek dan lagi udah didubbing Indonesia.
Episode lain menyusul ya..

Senin, 23 September 2013

UB Preneur Fest 2013

YATTAA!! Minggu, 22 September kemarin saya menghadiri UB Preneur Fest 2013. UB Preneur Fest itu semacam acara bazar buat wirausahawan-wirausahawan muda. meskipun acaranya ga begitu rame, tapi seneng banget rasanya bisa kesana. saya sebenarnya tidak begitu tahu detail acaranya, soalnya acaranya kan 2 hari, hari sabtu sama minggu dari jam 9 pagi, tapi saya baru bisa kesana minggu sorenya, stand yang buka tinggal dikit. salahkan rangkaian acara ospek yang menyebalkan itu.

ini adalah event pertama saya. meskipun ini tidak sepenuhnya event jejepangan, saya tetap merasa sangat senang. ini pertama kalinya saya melihat cosplay secara langsung (di tempat tinggal saya yg lama ga ada acara-acara kayak gini -__-). bahkan saya ketemu dengan anak sd yang nge-cosplay kirito. hal pertama yang terlintas di pikiran saya saat itu adalah 'orang tuanya bagaimana ya'.

ada juga flash mob koisuru fortune cookie bareng sama MLG48. membernya kawaiii >< meskipun saya ga ikutan, seru juga ngeliatin para fans 48fam yang kebanyakan cowok ngedance KFC dengan semangatnya. apa lagi ada salah satu teman yang sebenarnya ga tau dancenya gimana tapi tetep aja dengan pedenya dia ikutan goyang.

pokoknya seneng banget kemaren. makasih buat temen-temen MAOU, para anak setan yang mau menerima saya. meskipun saya baru dua kali ketemu kalian, tapi kalian berhasil membuat saya semakin gila HAHAHAHA

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

WHAT THE!! Tes keperawanan buat masuk sekolah?!

Baca ini dulu > Siswi SMA di Prabumuih Wajib Tes Keperawanan

Oke, emang sih peningkatan moralitas remaja itu penting, tapi rasanya tes keperawanan bukan jawaban untuk masalah ini.
Ini pelecehan loh! PELECEHAN! Coba deh tanya mbah google tentang cara tes keperawanan. Masa iya mesti pemeriksaan intra-vagina gitu. Ngebayanginnya aja risih saya.

Keperawana itu ga ada hubungannya sama dunia pendidikan. Gimana dengan para siswi yang jadi korban pemerkosaan? Apa lantas mereka ga boleh mengenyam pendidikan? Kejam banget, udah dapat tekanan fisik, mesti dapat tekanan psikis pula. Lagi pula kalo ngomongin soal keperawanan, cuma liat selaput dara masih bagus atau ga itu belum tentu membuktikan perawan tidaknya seseorang. Saya rasa kita semua tahu kalau selaput dara ga cuma bisa rusak karena hubungan seksual, bisa jadi karena kecelakaan, aktivitas/olahraga berat seperti berkuda, atau faktor lainnya. Apa mereka juga ga boleh sekolah?

"Hasil tes dirahasiakan." halaah..bohong itu. Emang sih petugasnya ga terang-terangan ngomong "si A ga lolos, dia ga perawan." atau "si B masih perawan." tapi pasti ketahuan lah.. dan yang saya khawatirkan adalah hasil tes masuk sekolah ini bisa menimbulkan kesalahpahaman di masyarakat. Contoh aja, ada anak yang ga lolos tes karena nilainya rendah, terus orang-orang yang ga tahu itu mengira ada hal lain kenapa anak itu ga lolos, dalam hal ini yaa masalah keperawanan tadi. Si anak bakalan jadi bahan gunjingan di lingkungannya, dan itu ga enak. Hal ini bakalan jadi beban mental sendiri buat si anak. Bukannya ini sama aja dengan ngerusakk masa depan si anak tadi.

Terlepas dari hal yang saya sebukan di atas, kenapa hal semacam keperawanan mesti di besar-besarkan? Bagaimana dengan cowok? Bukannya mereka juga memiliki andil dalam perawan tidaknya seorang perempuan? Apa para cowok juga mau jujur tentang perjaka tidaknya mereka?

Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Relativity theory

Time is passing so quickly... Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein.
You know, Okabe...
Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception.
Relativity theory is so romantic... and so sad.

-Makise Kurisu-

Steins Gate

Type: TV
Episodes: 24
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 6, 2011 to Sep 14, 2011
Genres: Sci-FiThriller

Score: 9.161 (scored by 93871 users)
Ranked: #32
Synopsis: Steins;Gate is about a group of friends who have customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN, who has been doing their own research on time travel, tracks them down and now the characters have to find a way to avoid being captured by them.

source myanimelist.net 

I'm just finishing watch this anime. Oh dude! It's totally awesome!!
maybe at the first time it's feel kinda bored, but try to watch about 5 episode. No regret!

some scenes made me laugh.

some made me 'doki-doki'. ah Rukako.. how cute you are :D

 some made me thought hard.

and some made me feel so bad.. i was crying more than when i watch the last episode of AnoHana or Angel Beats when Yui disappear.

You have to watch it!


a few days ago, when i was clean up my old house, my mom found some old paper, include a story that i write when i'm about 5th or 6th. look, i made a scanlation

pada zaman dahulu kala hiduplah seorang gadis bernama Owdet. ia mempunyai kegemaran membuat kue. bermacam-macam kue yang dibuatnya seperti roti, dadar, donat, bolu kukus dan lain sebagaimya.
pada suatu hari kakaknya datang kerumahnya
"Owdet, ini aku Enyjel kakakmu. aku dalang untuk mencicipi kue buatanmu enak tidak" seru Enyjel
"enak kok" lanjut Owdet"
"kue apa saja yang kau buat?"
"aku membuat kue donat, lapis, roti, bolu dan agar-agar. kue tart kesukaanmu juga ada" kata Owdet selanjutnya..

 it's funny to read it. i think at that moment i want to write abou a bakery girl, but then i wrote cakes name as many as i know. you can see how creepy my handwrite. for 'Enyjel', her name actualy 'Angel' but i didn't know how it spell so i wrote just like what i heard, and it become 'Enyjel'. and what is that draw..

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

You know why big brothers are born first? To protect the little ones that come after them.
-Ichigo Kurosaki-

So how about big sisters? Can they do the same?

Senin, 29 Juli 2013

That's selfish right? Well I do know nothing

I ofthen thinking "thanks god, this problem came when I'm going to leave this house"
That's selfish right?
Maybe I'm just fine with all of this. I'm gonna go to someplace that no one know about who I am, so no one will ask that stupid question about "what happened to bla bla bla..". And if someone really ask it, I think it will be easy to cover it up. No one will know that I'm lying, or no one will care.

And I think its good for my old woman. I know she's hurt by ending up like this, but it will be more painfull for her if they keep going on that..
Yeah, its okay after all..

But will that be the same with those two little jerk. Do they know what they're facing about?
When will they stop asking about our condition?
When will they understad?

Then, how are their feeling when the thruth come?
Will they sad?
Will they mad?
Will they hate...
Or will they become like 'that person'.
I hope no..

What will they do when someone ask?
Will they answered it clearly?
Will they kick everyone who asking?
Will they put a smile on their face and said "hi-mi-tsu"
Or will they act like nothing happened? Nothing to worried about..

Saa~ I do know nothing.

I'm just hoping that when the truth come they have been grow up, they already understand and know what is right and what is wrong.
We can't keep hiding it right?

and I hope someday we will be strong enough, strong enough to protect our self and something that realy precious to us.

Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Live Action Official Trailer


Aaaaa!! can't wait minna!

Do You Know ONE OK ROCK?

Do you know ONE OK ROCK?
Eh, what is that? A scream community? A rock-crusher association? Fans of Avatar Roku? A kind of snack?
That is me at the first time my friend asked me about ONE OK ROCK. Don’t blame me for saying something like that, I really didn’t know who the hell they are. 

But now, ask me that question again.
Do you know ONE OK ROCK?
Yes! You know they’re really awesome. 

First time I hear their song was ‘The Beginning’, I feel like Aaaaaaa Taka’s voice is very gentle but strong. It’s very emotional. I thought I can understand what is going on even I didn’t know the meaning of all those lyrics. The melody too, catchy. Then I see the music video. Awesome!

Well then, I start google-ing about them, downloading their song, watch their music video, their concert video, searching for the lyrics. How the lyrics can give you more than one meaning that essentially connect in some way or another. It’s beautiful... No, it’s wonderful . Finally I found myself has falling in love with them.

 Thanks to my friend who had told me about this awesome band!

This November their going to come to my country, Indonesia. But hiks.. hiks.. it seem like I can't go to watch their concert. Their going concert at Jakarta, and my city it too far away from Jakarta. With train it spend about 18 hour. Which is mean I have to sleep over at Jakarta about 3 days and get absent on my lecture, 36 hour at train around trip. Alone. I'm just moving so I don't have any friend, not yet. And like hell my parents will allow me T.T
So, someone please kidnap me, and take me to that concert...

Jumat, 19 Juli 2013

Smiling Down

Time just left you behind
And I don't know why
How can I accept
Something I don't understand
ONE OK ROCK - Smiling Down